My Mission is to Empower You to Live a More Self-Reliant Life
Why train with me? Why Not?!
I’ve spent the last 16 years studying firearms + tactics instructor development under two of the most recognized firearms instructors in the industry. This is combined with over 20 years of operational experience as an armed professional.
I’ve attended and participated in countless advanced firearms and tactics course, both within the private sector and U.S. government. I’m a certified firearms instructor from Sig Sauer Academy and Adam Painchaud, LLC. I’m also a lifetime student and committed to always learning! You’ll never hear me say “my way is the best way” however, I’ve come to appreciate what works and more importantly what doesn’t when it comes to adult learning, especially WOMEN adult learning…I feel I’ve reached a level of technical and tactical understanding of the discipline to effectively articulate the material in a way that is both fun + educational and provides instant results.
Here’s the reality too, I’m a RAPE survivor and I have come face to face with pure evil in the world and lived to share my story.
My teaching methods blend my personal + professional experience in order to give my students the entire package of why I’m so passionate about living a self-reliant life + having a prepared mindset on safety.
I hope by sharing my story with “innocent ears” it will raise awareness and encourage others to live a more prepared life, one way of living prepared is giving yourself a “tool” as a means to protect yourself. For me, it’s a handgun!! If you think I still don’t have visits of anxiety when I go out for a run or walk, especially with my kids, think again! I’ve learned how to manage that fear and conquer it! One way I’ve conquered it is by arming myself with a tool (gun + ammo) to protect myself. And let me say, what a GAME CHANGER, that was!
Just a few of the MANY smiling faces of “real women” I’ve trained who showed up to learn, BUILD THEIR CONFIDENCE and crush their fears!!
Just possessing a handgun isn’t enough,
taking the time to properly learn how to use it and train with it, IS!
Don’t wait until you think you need it, take action to live a more self-reliant life now AND educate yourself to become a responsible armed citizen! Book your personal firearms training session or sign up for a women’s only class!