~ My Survivor Day ~ 8.8.23

I ran hard today because on this day 30 years ago, I wasn’t able to run fast enough… and tbt sometimes I just need to work shit out on the track!  It’s one of my (many) coping mechanisms and how I channel the heavy emotions on the harder days like today, my SURVIVOR Day!  

Til this day, I still recall that God awful fear I felt when I turned around and saw a strange man chasing after me.  It was so surreal and the loop that plays in my mind is like watching a text book fight, flight (or freeze) response unfold on autoplay!  For years I wished I ran faster, fought harder or screamed louder…(or wishing the lady who heard my screams looked out her window to help me),  BUT I can’t change the past and I’ve learned to change how I respond to those memories when they arise!  That’s where I’ve found my POWER in healing… Controlling how I respond for the REST OF MY LIFE and refusing to let something so traumatic define my future or live in fear, WAS NOT AN OPTION FOR ME!      

I’m sharing my personal emotions about this day, because I want other survivors + supporters to hear it!  I want YOU (my audience) to know that it’s OK to have hard days! Trust me, there’s no escaping them but there is an art of healing when you can find your power in how you can control the wave of emotions + channel them in a positive way! I PROMISE!   

I’m no expert, but I’ve LIVED the past 30 of my 47 years as a Survivor, my VOICE was not always this strong, nor my perspective this clear! I have a lot to say, share and SCREAM really from the roof tops! So stay tuned in here for healing inspiration, empowering words, awareness, education on how to live a self-reliant life and so MUCH more! And… yes, I’m still working on my book (just a few other things I want to do first).  Till then, I’ll be journaling for healing + blogging about my Survivor Journey with you!

THANK YOU to all my family, friends, students, followers & supporters for all of your love, support + encouragement over the past 30 years! I could not do this ALONE and know that you are NOT alone either!