~ I'm Celebrating "5 Years" of Sharing My Voice with the Launch of "A Healing Virtual Course"! ~

As I celebrate my five-year business anniversary today, I want to THANK everyone who joined me along my journey! I’ve had the honor of working with hundreds of women (and men) and the biggest takeaways I received were… that they walked away feeling “INSPIRED” by my words + my story!  I can’t change my past or what happened, but I have grown to MASTER how I have turned that PAIN into POWER and translated that gift to HELP OTHERS along their journey too!

So, as I celebrate five years, I’m celebrating by giving MORE of what I love to do, AND THAT IS TO EMPOWER + INSPIRE others by Sharing My Survivor Journey!

TODAY... I'm rolling out another way to EMPOWER OTHERS by SHARING MY VOICE through

"A Healing Virtual Course"
April 11th @ 1 pm! 


  After nearly 30 years as a “SURVIVOR”, my perspective has grown clearer as each year passes! If there’s one thing, I have learned over these last five years of sharing my Survivor Voice, it’s this… "There’s nothing more empowering than helping and watching others find healing along their journey TOO!" For some it may be publicly sharing their story for the first time and for others it may be just silently acknowledging those feelings that have been buried for years (or centuries)! 

I’ve created a virtual ONE-HOUR course, where I invite YOU to join me + take the time to give yourself some healing space and attention you may need! No matter where you are along your journey (days, months, years or decades), it’s NEVER too late to acknowledge those feeling you may have suppressed. 

While this course is intended for Survivors, it’s also a helpful course for Survivor Supporters in order to gain a better insight and understanding of the healing process.  Maybe your loved one or friend is not able to talk about what happened to them and this course will help you hear and understand why. 


All YOU need to do is sign-up, mark some self-care time off on your calendar, find a quiet + private space, bring your journal and just listen!

I will be sharing my top takeaways, tools + things that aided me most over the past 30 years! I will also be doing some guided journal prompts to help you identify where you are and put those feelings on paper!

REGISTER NOW through March 5th, to receive a FREE "Empower(her)" journal AND save on the early bird price, use promocode: "fiveyears" when you checkout! 


Christy Painchaud