What can happen when you ANSWER the calling in your HEART to be a VOICE for others...

Well friends… this is what happens!! I created a website + blog where I can share my story, not just my survivor story, but all the things that make me feel WHOLE + GROW and HELP others along their journey in life!

It was January 1, 2018, and I was on a plane to Oklahoma City from my home in New Hampshire. No, it was not my choice to fly on New Year’s Day, but I was subpoenaed for a court martial case I had investigated some time ago in my capacity as a Special Agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (I know, I’m secretly a badass and I’ll get to that part on another blog post!). The case I was requested to testify for was a sexual assault case. Now, the irony and point of this story is that I had RETIRED from the Air Force in May 2017, so I was completely done with my duty and obligations (so I thought)! This was a huge sign for me from the UNIVERSE saying “YOUR VOICE MATTERS”, in this case it was my testimony (which was extremely minimal in the trial) and the defendant was later found guilty.

The message I took away from that trip was that my VOICE matters and what I have to say will make a difference in other people’s lives!!! Those few days of sitting in my hotel room (waiting to be called to testify) were a time of huge personal growth for me. I missed my little boys and husband dearly, but being able to focus just on MY thoughts for four WHOLE days, was time well spent!!! It was during this time that I decided I was going to ANSWER the calling in my heart to be a VOICE for others, to share my SURVIVOR JOURNEY to help INSPIRE + EMPOWER others!

This mama hasn’t looked back since and my NEW JOURNEY has been evolving at its’ own pace, which I love because I’m a firm believer that all beautiful things take time to BLOOM and GROW! I’m growing on so many levels with different adventures I’ve started and reigniting old ones. Not only did I start “Christy’s Survivor Journey” but I’ve had a small side hustle business as a professional organizer, called “Inspiration for Organization”, where I love to help people organize + decorate their homes. On top of that, I've also been a female firearms instructor since 2006. This is one of my many passions, that was put on hold during my pregnancies and while my boys were very young BUT over the past few years, I’ve been back at the range helping WOMEN gain the confidence and skills they need to protect themselves with a firearm.

I’m at a point in my life where I’ve started to IMPLEMENT all the things, I’ve dreamed of doing someday, now I’m just hitting the gas pedal and making it happen!!  Do you have a passion to ignite change in your life or follow your “someday I’ll do that”? What are you waiting for??? Answer that calling in your heart and turn those VISIONS in your head into a reality!